Nintendo Heartcast Episode 057: Insights

Noah and Evan elaborate upon their reactions to last week’s Nintendo Direct announcements.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 04/24/2013 09:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

Nintendo Heartcast Episode 057: Insights

Nintendo Heartcast Episode 057: Insights

Noah and Evan share final thoughts on Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon and further discuss their and your reactions to last week’s Nintendo Direct.

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Recording Date
April 22, 2013

Noah and Evan

Show Contents
00:00:00 Introduction and Game Night Stories
00:09:41 Player Input: Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, Toki Tori 2 and Classic Kirby
00:23:19 More Nintendo Direct Debates and Reactions
00:48:57 Listener Feedback
01:01:39 Conclusion
01:02:22 Credits
01:04:12 Total Length


3 Responses to “Nintendo Heartcast Episode 057: Insights”

  • 1 points
    Kevin Knezevic says...

    Sorry, Noah. I tried to get the vase off of your head, but you kept running around in circles. :P

    And thanks for responding to my Pikmin 3 comments! I definitely understand where you two are coming from with your reactions, and I hope I didn’t imply that you’d rather see another New Super Mario game instead of it; I only used that as an example because it seems like Iwata’s solution to everything is to make more Mario. That said, I’m still really happy to see Nintendo devoting so much time to Pikmin 3 considering its rather niche appeal, and I really look forward to playing it– online or not– when it finally comes out.

    Great show again!

  • 690 points
    KisakiProject says...

    I enjoyed playing Rush mode though I only got into the last match. It works perfectly for game night. Speaking of game night do either of you have Mario Tennis Open? I picked it up but barley played it. I’d be up for multiplayer.

    I agree with Evan’s too action heavy comment. Other than that I loved it. It’s still my favorite Nintendo game since Mario Galaxy 2. I’m hooked on multiplayer.

    Also as a WiiU owner since Xmas. I can say I like the system and loved my time with ZombiU, NSMBU & NL. But the constant delays are just infuriating. Particularly Game & Wario not coming til the end of June. Its out in Japan. If Nintendo knew stuff was getting delayed they should have fast tracked the localization. Plenty of stuff is done day and date as Japan. At this rate I’ll have the system for 6 months without getting any new games.

  • 66 points
    Demyx says...

    Awesome Podcast as always. I kind of agree that in the last episode you guys seemed pretty down with the good news but still an awesome Podcast! ^_^

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