News Desk: Ubisoft Undecided On GamePad’s Use in Watch Dogs

The studio still hasn’t decided on how to use the unconventional controller in its upcoming title.

By Kevin Knezevic. Posted 02/25/2013 16:00 5 Comments     ShareThis

Now that Watch Dogs has been officially confirmed for Wii U, the big question left is just how the game will make use of the system’s unique controller. Well, according to Ubisoft’s Senior Producer Dominic Guay, the studio still hasn’t decided on a way to implement the GamePad’s features into the title.

Speaking to Digital Spy, Guay said that Ubisoft has yet to determine how it will use the Wii U GamePad to enhance Watch Dogs’ gameplay, but he did note that the controller’s unique features, like its dedicated touch screen and gyroscope, would lend themselves well to the title:

“We’re still investigating how we’ll use the tablet on the Wii U, but with the things I mentioned before, for us it’s not going to be a weird stretch. It’s natural. What’s really cool with Watch Dogs, when we start thinking of those devices, it’s not a weird abstraction, it’s not like I’m a space alien and now I’m using a tablet. Why am I doing that? Aiden Pearce is using a device to control the city, so it’s quite easy to imagine what we could do with that.”

Guay also confirmed that all of the game’s social aspects– like accessing another player’s world through a smartphone– will be intact in the Wii U title, making it comparable with the other console versions. It’s good to see Ubisoft won’t be taking the easy way out in bringing the game over to Wii U.

Source: Digital Spy

5 Responses to “News Desk: Ubisoft Undecided On GamePad’s Use in Watch Dogs

  • 1244 points
    lukas85 says...

    they are kiddding right?, i can thing of many possibilities for the game pad in a game like this, and im not even a developer, for example.

    profiles of the people instead of them showing on screen
    network of the city
    train maps
    smart phone display
    view of the streets from above
    in cars: rear mirror, radio display, etc, etc.

  • 1594 points
    penduin says...

    Sounds to me like they’re just playing around with different ideas; “Undecided on GamePad’s Use” seems a bit sensationalist.

    Anything from a bare-bones Assassin’s Creed 3 type bigger-radar to full-on ZombiU style integration seems plausible and well-fitting to me, knowing what little I do about Watch Dogs. More likely, we’ll get something in-between like Batman’s enhanced map/gadget functions. That sounds great too! :^)

    • 1 points
      Kevin Knezevic says...

      I definitely didn’t mean it to sound sensationalist at all; I just thought that “Ubisoft Still Deciding How to Use the GamePad in Watch Dogs” sounded too long for a headline. :P

      • 1594 points
        penduin says...

        Fair enough. My first reaction was, “they don’t know whether they’ll use the GamePad _at all_?” …but, that’s the English language for you. Not everything we need to say is headline-, tweet-, or soundbyte-friendly. :^)

        In any case, I hope it’s a case of trying to make sense of lots of ideas rather than struggling to come up with any. Pretty hard to imagine it’s the latter, but who knows. We’ve seen developers pass on Wii U altogether giving only the lame excuse that they couldn’t think of something revolutionary to put on the touch screen. Ubi seems to get it though – do what makes sense for the game, even if it’s not much.

  • 222 points
    PanurgeJr says...

    I think one of two things is happening. The good one is that they know exactly what they’re doing, and want to wait, until E3 perhaps, to say anything. The bad one is that they’ll neuter the Wii U version to make sure the PS4 version doesn’t lack anything another cersion has.

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