Nintendo Heartcast Episode 049: Enter Sony

Noah and Evan react to Sony’s PS4 announcements and how Nintendo can respond.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 02/27/2013 09:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

Nintendo Heartcast Episode 049: Enter Sony

Nintendo Heartcast Episode 049: Enter Sony

Noah and Evan go over Sony’s PS4 reveal and how Wii U can respond to its newest competitor.

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Recording Date
February 25, 2013

Noah and Evan

Show Contents
00:00:00 Introduction & Picross Obsessions
00:03:14 Game Night Report
00:07:49 Player Input: Fire Emblem and More
00:25:26 Sony’s PS4 Reveal vs. Wii U
01:02:24 Listener Feedback
01:17:08 Conclusion
01:18:19 Credits
01:01:02 Total Length


2 Responses to “Nintendo Heartcast Episode 049: Enter Sony”

  • 381 points
    Hyawatta says...

    No More Excuses

    The third party developers’ excuse that they started making the game for the PS3/360, so it would be too resource exhaustive to also develop a Wii U version when they are already far into development of the previous version no longer applies. This reasoning makes it understandable why games such as Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Metro Last Light, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Remember Me, and even Grand Theft Auto V might not come to Wii U. However, any multiplatform games that are developed in the future for the PS4/XBOX720/PC, such as Watch Dogs and Destiny, must also be released for the Wii U. With Sony’s and Microsoft’s consoles releasing later than Nintendo’s, nothing short of an exclusivity deal should stop a multiplatform game from releasing on the Wii U.

    We will see what happens with titles such as Diablo III, the new Final Fantasy, Deep Down, and The Witness. If new, multiplatform games get released for the other next gen consoles yet not for the Wii U, then I wonder what the new excuse will be that would go along with it.

    • 318 points
      Greg Wampler says...

      They have already used an excuse that would work with the situation you suggest. The whole “third-party games can’t compete with Nintendo’s 1st-party titles” excuse…

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