In our daily crackpot news, a 25-year-old in Kyoto was arrested for allegedly threatening to murder Nintendo executives and bomb the company’s headquarters. According to Sankei News, the suspect went onto Nintendo of Japan’s website and wrote on an online inquiry form that he was planned to kill a couple Nintendo executives “sooner or later.” The names of the people he gave have not been released.
Police traced the man’s post to his home computer and arrested him, at which time he admitted to the threats. However, that wasn’t the only threat this man has issued, as police traced another post, where he wrote “I’d planted bombs at Nintendo headquarters, tomorrow afternoon they’re going to blow up, Nintendo go bankrupt.” There were even reports of other threats as far back as September, which Kyoto Police are currently looking into.
So, our Nintendo executives and the headquarters remain safe for now. I guess some people take their game fanaticism a little too seriously…
Source: Kotaku