News: Iwata Feels “Very Sorry” for Wii U’s Day One Update

Out of the box usability should be standard, Nintendo’s president concedes.

By Pierre Bienaimé. Posted 11/29/2012 16:00 5 Comments     ShareThis

News Desk Masthead - Iwata

Those of you ran home with Wii U to gleefully plug it in surely felt a break in the excitement when faced with the system’s day one update. Iwata has apologized for the inconvenience in a recent interview with IGN:

“Personally I think that users should be able to use all the functions of a console video game machine as soon as they open the box. So I feel very sorry for the fact that purchasers of Wii U have to experience a network update which takes such a long time, and that there are the services which were not available at the hardware’s launch.”

The services alluded to are Miiverse, Wii U Chat, and the Wii U eShop.

If anything, I’d be a little more peeved about the fact that these updates gobble up a full gigabyte than anything else.

5 Responses to “News: Iwata Feels “Very Sorry” for Wii U’s Day One Update”

  • 261 points
    JasonMaivia says...

    Shame on you, Nintendo for rushing a product for its launch day. Delays are needed to make sure things are in order and ready from the very moment your customer purchahase your Wii U. Everything should have been there on the console when it’s first taken out of the box.

    This generation is terrible, with glitchy games, and patches, patches, patches. When has it ever been okay to release unfinished products for profit?

  • 1244 points
    lukas85 says...

    I hope that after the first bunch of wiiU are sold, then we can buy the system with all this features integrated. I dont want to perform the update either.

    • 1 points
      Kevin Knezevic says...

      I definitely agree that it would be a lot more convenient for the consumer if these features were already included in the console, but the update really isn’t that bad; you can just go ahead and watch TV while the GamePad tracks its progress, so it’s not like you’re stuck waiting for your system to update. The Internet, as it is wont to do, has largely blown this issue out of proportion. :P

  • 1597 points
    penduin says...

    Iwata: apology accepted. But please learn from this. :^)

    Sony has conditioned me to groan and bear it when I just want to play a game but I need to download a few hundred megs of updates first. That said, I was hoping I wouldn’t have to put up with the same nonsense from my Wii U.

    I’m generally pretty sympathetic towards Nintendo, and I know as well as yone that getting software right is a challenging and slow process, but after going through the giant updates myself just last night, I’m actually glad to see somebody apologize for it. :^)

    All that said, I actually hope to update at least once more, if it might mean cutting down on load times. The GameCube was usually almost as fast as cartridges. What happened to that?

  • 288 points
    JPtheNintendoFan says...

    Today’s update is taking a while as well. Oh well, I will just keep enjoying the Nintendojo website!

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