GameStop Offers Official Stance on Xenoblade Pricing Controversy

Planning on doing the same with Metroid Prime Trilogy.

By Marc Deschamps. Posted 08/14/2013 11:00 10 Comments     ShareThis

Yesterday, we reported that GameStop has allegedly been selling used copies of the rare Nintendo Wii title Xenoblade Chronicles for an inflated $90 price. Fans around the Internet have clearly been displeased, leading to the retail giant to reply to the allegations. And it’s not a very pretty response.

“GameStop regularly receives feedback from our PowerUp members regarding old titles they would like us to bring back, such as vintage games like Xenoblade Chronicles. We were recently able to source a limited number of copies of this title to carry in our stores and online.

“In fact, we have sourced several more vintage titles that will be hitting stores in the coming months, including Metroid Prime Trilogy.

“As always, our pricing for these games is competitive and is based on current market value driven by supply and demand. PowerUp Pro members always receive a 10 percent discount and earn PUR points on pre-owned purchases.”

Do you have a problem with GameStop charging this kind of price? Or does this seem like foul play? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Source: Joystiq

10 Responses to “GameStop Offers Official Stance on Xenoblade Pricing Controversy”

  • 143 points
    oldmanstauf says...

    No problem with it. It’s expensive, sure, but is competitive given the state of supply and demand.

  • 1597 points
    penduin says...

    It’s plainly gouging, but we’ve all been conditioned to accept unadulterated capitalism as “just the way things are”. Which is true enough, since the only practical alternative is to steal the game. It’s actually pretty hard to argue with the pirates in this case – there is no ethical way to acquire this game right now.

    I love Xenoblade, and I’d even go so far as to say it’s worth that price, but that’s not the price Monolith and Nintendo agreed to, they’re not seeing a dime of this extra profit, and GameStop’s practices here are simple exploitation.

    I’m all for paying developers their due, and even middlemen to an extent, but all this is doing is demonstrating that the pirates have a point. Corrupt behaviour needs to be challenged, no matter who is corrupt. (Free-market types give a pass to profiteers but not governments here, which is irrational.)

    • 143 points
      oldmanstauf says...

      “I love Xenoblade, and I’d even go so far as to say it’s worth that price, but that’s not the price Monolith and Nintendo agreed to, they’re not seeing a dime of this extra profit, and GameStop’s practices here are simple exploitation.”

      Gamestop is not breaking any sort of agreement with Nintendo or Monolith. They aren’t doing any more than people on eBay are doing. Selling used copies of a game that’s harder to come by than others. Except this time, you know up front what the cost will be. Basically, selling used movies should work the same too then. Everyone should get an extra cut off a used movie.

      • 1597 points
        penduin says...

        You’ve missed the point: these aren’t used copies. They’re new copies that GameStop hoarded during their exclusive distribution, then opened and are now selling as used.

        And yes, they’re doing this in order to get around their deal with Nintendo. Otherwise, they’d leave the shrinkwrap on and call them what they are: new copies.

  • 285 points
    Kyle England says...

    It’s a load of crap. The price of Xenoblade Chronicles is not competitive, because GameStop has exclusive rights to sell the game. The secondhand price inflated in the first place so quickly only because of the game’s exclusivity. It’s like a cyclical situation.

    Essentially, GameStop is selling Xenoblade at such a high price because they can. They have the whole market for the game under their thumb and are using it to their advantage. It’s not really a free market situation here, because other stores don’t have access to Xenoblade at all.

    Also, games that are 4 years old or younger aren’t “vintage” at all…

  • 1379 points
    xeacons says...

    What we have here, people, is a monopoly. Gamestop believes they can treat their customers however they want, set their prices however they like, just because they’re the only one to have exclusive titles. It’s not only immoral; it’s illegal.

    • 143 points
      oldmanstauf says...

      Well, you have a choice then. Numerous people on eBay are competing against Gamestop’s $89 price. You’re welcome to purchase it there for more.

      • 285 points
        Kyle England says...

        It’s true that the average price of Xenoblade has dropped this year (down from $100 in July) but it’s still hovering around that 89-90 dollar mark.

        One can only hope that Nintendo just releases Xenoblade on the eShop for $49 or lower so everyone can enjoy it. It would be a great candidate for HD remaster as well.

      • 318 points
        Greg Wampler says...

        It isn’t really a monopoly since it is used. Used copies can be sold and found anywhere. If they did this with the original release, then yes, I would say you make a good case. However, in this case, this isn’t a monopoly and the company is right for going with market value. That’s the way it works. Go buy it for $90 and sell it in 10 years for $290.

        • 1597 points
          penduin says...

          GameStop _is_ doing this with the original release. That’s what these copies are, new packages they got during their original, exclusive distribution, with the shrinkwrap removed, being sold as “used” to weasel out of their agreement with Nintendo.

          “That’s the way it works” is not an ethical argument. Sleazy behaviour shouldn’t be forgiven simply because it’s common, or because it doesn’t violate arbitrary capitalist principles.

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