Club Nintendo Giving Double Points for New Super Luigi U

But only for those downloading the game.

By Marc Deschamps. Posted 06/19/2013 15:00 4 Comments     ShareThis

With tomorrow’s impending release of New Super Luigi U, Nintendo has announced that those who purchase the game before August 1 will receive double the Club Nintendo coins (40 versus the normal 20). Additionally, early adopters will also be entered into a drawing to receive a Luigi pin. 980 fans of the green clad plumber will walk away with one.

Unfortunately, the retail release of New Super Luigi U isn’t until August 25, meaning that those who want a physical copy of the title (or maybe just its unique green case) are out of luck. Still, fans of the oft-ignored younger brother of Mario should take some solace in the fact that Nintendo is really making sure that 2013 continues to be his year.

Do you plan on picking up New Super Luigi U tomorrow? Or are you holding out until the end of the summer? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Club Nintendo

4 Responses to “Club Nintendo Giving Double Points for New Super Luigi U

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    I must get this pin!!

  • 1244 points
    lukas85 says...

    i will buy the physical version, i want that green box with the luigi commemoration. i know someday it will be a treasure.

  • 143 points
    oldmanstauf says...

    Unfortunately I probably won’t pick it up or download it at all. Yeah, I suppose it’s neat to play as Luigi, but the 100 second limit for each level takes my enjoyment out of it.

    • 1594 points
      penduin says...

      I’m worried about that part myself. It’s almost a deal-breaker, which is really sad considering how very, very sold I am on every other aspect of the game.

      I’ll grab it anyway, though. If I’ve learned anything from the Rayman Legends daily challenges, it’s that playing short levels of try-again-and-again platforming can be much more fun than it sounds.

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