Amiibo Restocks Coming to North America

Many hard-to-find figures will be replenished according to a CPSIA registration.

By Kyle England. Posted 08/21/2015 09:00 6 Comments     ShareThis

Amiibo fans in North America might have an easier time obtaining some elusive figures soon. Nintendo of America has listed several CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act) registrations for various amiibo figures on its website. Nintendo is required to list CPSIA certificates for compliant youth and children’s products that are coming in America, so these listings point to many Amiibo restocks happening within the next month or two.

A handful of Amiibo that have been tough to find in the past will be getting restocks in North America, the exact figures are as follows:

  • Marth
  • Little Mac
  • Ike
  • Lucario
  • Captain Falcon
  • Villager
  • Inkling Boy
  • Inking Girl
  • Splatoon Three-Pack

There are also many “common” figures from the Super Mario series, as well as upcoming Smash Bros. Amiibo listed in the certificates. However, the batch listed above is of particular note to Amiibo collectors and players due to the figures’ previous rarity.

Will this restock actually be substantial enough to improve the scarcity? I suppose we shall find out soon enough. If the restock includes enough figures, we might see many secondhand market Amiibo prices drop. What figures will you try to get? Or have you given up on the whole Amiibo thing because your mental and financial health has greatly declined as more figures are released?

Source: Nintendo of America

6 Responses to “Amiibo Restocks Coming to North America”

  • 0 points

    I gave up a long time ago on these things. If I can get select ones I want, fine. If not, I don’t cry about it. It’s not worth the hassle sometimes.

  • 819 points
    Toadlord says...

    I’ve been wanting the Splatoon 3 pack for quite a while now, so hopefully I can grab the little inkling dude this time around.

    Olimar is the only MUST for me though. I missed out on preorders so I’ll probably have to be patient if I don’t want to overpay once he’s released.

    • 459 points
      Drew Ciccotelli says...

      I pre-ordered Splatoon and when I went into get it a Splatoon Three Pack was behind the register, and I asked if they were for sale. The woman behind the register said yes, so I bought it. Twenty minutes later, the price was $80 online.

      • 819 points
        Toadlord says...

        So you’re down to share, right? Haha, that’s definitely lucky though.

        I really just wish the squid wasn’t locked behind a three pack.

        • 276 points
          Nicolas Vestre says...

          I managed to get a Three Pack off of because the Amiibuddy app I downloaded to my phone tipped me off. The pack arrived in a box that was slightly too small for it, so the cardboard was curved a bit. But I put some heavy books on it, and it doesn’t look so bad now. $45 was a lot better than paying $120.

          And I just got Villager, Captain Falcon, Marth, Ike, and Lucario earlier this week by means of a restock that hit my city. :)

        • 459 points
          Drew Ciccotelli says...

          It was impulse getting it. Sitting next to it was a Silver Mario and a Wario. I had intended to only purchase the Toad amiibo but it was too tempting just sitting there.

          With the fact that only certain stages being unlocked per amiibo and the “cards” nowhere to be found, it is a misfortune that there aren’t a steadier supply of these suckers. They really are a brilliant marketing scheme by Nintendo, as was the Wii itself, much to their own surprise.

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