Volume 2, Issue 5: Video Game Urban Legends

The staff pay tribute to the gaming myths of yesteryear.

By Kevin Knezevic. Posted 05/19/2014 09:00 Comment on this     ShareThis

Those of us who have grown up alongside the video game medium will be able to vividly recall some of the dubious gaming “secrets” we learned from our classmates. Before such claims could be dispelled with a quick Google search, it was impossible to judge their veracity without consulting others or testing them out for ourselves (though, as was usually the case with schoolyard chatter, they were frequently bogus), which only helped perpetuate them further. After all, how else would there be so many different methods of unlocking Luigi in Super Mario 64?

And yet, despite how outlandish these “urban legends” may seem now with the benefit of hindsight, they did much to color our experience of a game. Before developers could flesh out their titles with highly detailed visuals and reams of lore, players relied primarily on their imagination to breathe life into the worlds they were exploring, and these legends, false as they may have been, added a sense of mystique to games that’s largely absent from the industry today. In honor of these more innocent times, the Nintendojo staff will be looking back at some of their favorite urban legends, from the “secrets” we begrudgingly admit we fell for to some of the creepy stories that our favorite games have spawned.



Volume 2, Issue 5: Video Game Urban Legends


  • Track of the Week: Lavender Town (Pokémon Red and Blue) by Kevin Knezevic
    We kick off our week on gaming urban legends with the most sinister theme in Pokémon history.


  • Nintendo Creepypasta by Anthony Vigna
    Gather round the Dojo campfire and listen to some gaming horror stories!
  • Bonus Content! Review: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Wii U) by Marc Deschamps
  • News by Kevin Knezevic


  • A Tribute to Trolling Terry, Keeper of the Urban Legends by Mel Turnquist
    Mel pays tribute to that one friend we all had growing up and their tall tales of gaming glory.
  • News by Sam Stewart


  • The Death of Gaming Urban Legends by Anthony Pershkin
    How the Internet has made it difficult for games to contain secrets.
  • Bonus Content! Impressions: Tomodachi Life: Move-in Version by Robert Marrujo
  • News by Robert Marrujo


  • Lost in Code by Robert Marrujo
    Some of the video game secrets you never knew you never knew.
  • Bonus Content! Review: Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails by Andy Hoover
  • News by Anthony Vigna


  • Bonus Content! Review: Stick it to the Man by Anthony Vigna
  • Bonus Content! Impressions: Mario Kart 8 by Angela Marrujo
  • News by Kyle England


  • Round Table: Urban Legends We Believed by Nintendojo Staff
    The staff wax nostalgic on some of the urban legends they fell for when they were younger.

Coming Up Next Issue…

Volume 2, Issue 6: Start Your Engines
Get your banana peels ready– it’s Mario Kart week at Nintendojo!

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