Ello and welcome to another edition of Editor’s Week in Review! Following the massive success of last week’s inaugural edition (we hear there’s an Oscar nomination in it for us) we’re continuing on the up with another, bigger, bolder, perhaps better copy edited edition this week! Without further ado, let’s get into the review!
Things That Happened This Week
It’s been another massive week of content for Nintendojo so it’s not going to be easy to run down in a paragraph or two! So instead, have it in clickable pictures! Below are six of our biggest stories of the past week, just imagine each picture as a colourful portal to something terribly interesting.
Also, be sure to check out everything featured in this week’s issue in the imaginatively titled “Also in this issue” box at the bottom of this article! From news to reviews, features and the podcast, it’s all there in one helpful list.
Our Favourite Comments of the Week!
Our first favourite commenter and recipient of 15 whole Ninja Points is MaStEr Of SaNdZ! His thoughts on the potential awkwardness of playing Bayonetta with your family in the vicinity deserve both our respect and sympathy!
In all honesty(besides the oversexualized part) This game is an amazing hack n slash that to me, could be the best I’ve ever played. And I really understand what you talk about when you say oversexualized (try playing the game while your family is in the same room and it just gets weird.
Our second top commenter is RodSF4, who also picks up 15 Ninja Points, for his theories behind Nintendo’s ideology on console-wide achievements:
…don’t really care much for them. But if it really means a lot to other gamers, seeing their name beside a number, or how they rank among others; perhaps clamoring about it will make decided create an update to include it later. But i believe Iwata mentioned that the reason they didn’t include this, because it would bring a different motivation to gamers, as opposed to what Nintendo wants gamers to feel which is to enjoy the game.
Our third top commenter and recipient of 15 Ninja Points (because you lot had a stellar week of comments!) is wombatguy880 for his inspirational argument for why this generation is Nintendo’s for the taking:
The missed point though is that if all any 3rd party developer ever used or uses this thing for is giving you the ability to play co-op with each player having an individual screen or letting you bring the game to the screen if your wife wants to watch Law and Order or if you have to catch the season premiere of Walking Dead then this thing will be golden. The reality is the Wii despite mostly dismal game releases for two years is still 30 million units ahead. This is largely because before they were even announced PS3/360 had support because they did better than prior Nintendo platforms. This is no longer the case. They won’t get better support because they did worse and that’s a fact. They won’t be completely ignored but if people don’t think almost every 3rd party product will have a WiiU sku yet then they are just fooling themselves. This leads to Nintendo doing even better this generation then last. 1: their gimicky controller uses are actually functional. 2: They have better software already and I see no reason to believe this will stop when two new consoles are announced just as the PS2 didn’t lose its support when Gamecube and Xbox were announced. It’s mostly Nintendo fansites that push this idea today as well. It’s time we get reinvigorated as Nintendo fans and realize that this is our generation. We have 6 games at launch that have never ever graced a Nintendo platform before. We have a return of Ninja Gaiden not seen since the nes. We have Tekken which has never been seen on a Nintendo platform. We have exclusives from 3rd parties which include Zombie survival horror titles, titles where you can make anything, a lego gta, and a game about magical hair attacks. This isn’t the time for us to sit back and act like these aren’t great things. This is a great time to be a Nintendo gamer even if you aren’t here just for Mario, Zelda, and Metroid.
If you’d like to pick up some extra Ninja Points then all you have to do is post a sparkling, insightful or generally hilarious comment on any of our content next issue! Check back next week to see if you make the grade!
Stuff We Forgot to Mention

Wii U. Sunday. Yep.
Also, for then:
Next Week’s Issue!
“Issue 129: Wii U All Together” will be hitting come Monday and not only coincides with Wii U’s explosive release but also Thanksgiving! (Even I’m excited and I’m not the least bit American, any excuse for a long weekend off.) We won’t be slacking off in terms of coverage though, with reviews of Paper Mario: Sticker Star, Epic Mickey: Power of Two, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion, Skylanders: Giants, the Wii U itself and loads more, it’s going to be a banquet-sized issue! Also, consoles exclusives, achievements, Transformers and Nintendo adverts from throughout history!