News: New Super Mario Bros. U to Boast DLC Levels

Downloadable Content? Yes please!

By Mel Turnquist. Posted 11/17/2012 07:30 4 Comments     ShareThis

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Good news for those who enjoyed the DLC levels in New Super Mario Bros. 2 it looks like the Wii U entry of the Mario franchise will be following suit. Yes, it seems that New Super Mario Bros. U will also feature downloadable content in the form of new levels and challenges.

Nintendo President Satoru Iwata, who has a series of interviews with game developers called Iwata Asks, asked the developers the question about downloadable content. The developers answered that they had additional levels that they had not yet completed, but weren’t entirely detrimental to the game.

Check out the US commercial for the game, above.

Also in the same interview, they talked about other features which were already known such as being able to play as your own Mii in non-story modes, the block touching mechanism when combined with the GamePad, and the usage of the MiiVerse in between levels where you can keep track of their own progresses.

New Super Mario Bros. U releases with Wii U on Sunday November 18th in the US and in other territories on their respective launch days. Be sure to look out for upcoming review of the game and check out our impressions of the game as well as a whole host of features, interviews and previews in our Nintendojo Guide to Wii U!

4 Responses to “News: New Super Mario Bros. U to Boast DLC Levels”

  • 192 points
    Robin Wilde says...

    Honestly, I think I’d rather have a level editor.

  • 120 points
    NinSage says...

    Welp… That’s the end. The last bastion, Nintendo, has finally caved completely on DLC. I can’t stand DLC, let alone paid DLC. It’s just a rip-off plain and simple.

    It essentially boils down to a game no longer costing $60 but costing $80. AND, that extra slice of the game doesn’t live in the box with the disc. So, if your system dies and the next one can’t import? Or the one two generations down the line? That content, which you paid extra for, is gone – and through no fault of your own.

    My most highly anticipated Wii U game just got tarnished. Really terrible news for a guy like me.

    But, I know a lot of gamers hear “DLC” and just think “yay! free stuff! more bang for my buck!” But I’ll never understand that logical leap.

  • 288 points
    JPtheNintendoFan says...

    I love the challenge mode in this game! Keep it coming!

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