Tomorrow marks the inaugural session of our latest community event: Nintendojo Splaturdays! Every Saturday in June, you’ll have a chance to splat with the Nintendojo staff in Wii U’s inkredible new multiplayer shooter, Splatoon! Read on for more details:
- Saturday, June 6
- Kevin Knezevic (Kevin.Knezevic): 12 – 1 PM Eastern Time
- Anthony Pershkin (AndyAsterd): 12 – 1 PM Eastern Time
- Anthony Pelone (Alagunder): 3 – 4 PM Eastern Time
- Shawn Wilkins (noirstronaut): 8 – 9 PM Eastern Time
If you’d like to join us, send us a Wii U friend request and meet us online at the designated times for a few Turf Wars! Of course, if none of those times work for you, you’re also welcome to leave your NNID in the comments below and schedule your own splat sessions with other readers! We hope to see you on the splatterfield!
Add me up! Midnight_Burial and make sure to point out this is for Nintendojo so I’ll be sure to add you! I won’t be on this Saturday, but I will in the future, and you can always join my lobby when I’m randomly on at three in the morning =)
My NNID is Toadlord. Super pumped to play with everyone.
I wish I had this game *_*
Communication error right before my 9 game winning streak! I’ll be on throughout the night if you want to see what happens when a man loses his life and gains the ability to become a squid.
Add my wii u code: jhonjars, I’ll try to add everyone in the comments so we can play, and when the august update comes we could form teams and stuff, I’ll try to add everyone here.
Really wanted to hop on Saturday, but couldn’t find the time. My NNID is Marcdachamp and hopefully I can host one of these soon, so add me!