Welcome back to another edition of Week: End Game: On! What games are the Dojo staffers playing this weekend? Read on to find out!
Robin Wilde
Out of a sense of nostalgia my weekend is being taken up with Pokémon Emerald Version on my Game Boy Micro. It’s debatable where it stands in the hierarchy of the series, but it’s bringing back floods of memories about long afternoons with childhood friends. In the pre-Internet age, there seemed to be more excitement and meaning to trading or battling Pokémon and it’s something I miss.
In response to the recent good weather here, I might break out Super Mario Sunshine for my annual summer playthrough as well.
Robert Marrujo
My DSi must have been feeling neglected, because I suddenly have found myself in the mood to play my backlog of DS games. It’s like the little guy was calling out to me! I just ordered a copy of Mega Man ZX Advent, which is awesome, and I’ve also been in the mood for Monster Tale. Monster Tale is a Metroid-esque game starring a little girl named Ellie and her pet monster Chomp. It was massively under appreciated when it came out and is worth a buy if, you can find a copy. I’m realizing more and more lately that as fun as 3DS is, DS has the more creative lineup of games, and Monster Tale is one of them.
Beyond DS, I’m planning on heading to GameStop to preview Mario Kart 8! I am looking forward to this game like you wouldn’t believe, and today’s event has me stoked. I’ve been playing Mario Kart 7 lately in anticipation, which is a really fun game in its own right. The new anti-gravity sections look as though they’ll be the perfect addition following 7’s underwater and gliding segments. All in all, I’ll be having an awesome weekend of gaming!
Nicolas Vestre
It’s been a long, enjoyable journey, and I’ve finally reached the end of Super Mario 3D World. I won’t spoil anything, but I will say that I can get very close to the end of the final level. At first, every part was difficult, but now it’s slowly getting better. Countless lives have been lost, and I’m sure countless more will join those, but I’m not giving up. Not even close.
That’s not to say that I won’t play other games while trying to beat that beast of a level. I entered the World Tournament in Mario Golf: World Tour, just to get that awesome Game Boy gear. Because of the wind (and my lack of experience with the game so far), I only got about four under par. If I had time, I’d definitely go for a higher score.
But what I’m going to play before more golf action is NES Remix 2. So far, all I’ve focused on are the Super Mario Bros. 3 challenges, and it’s quite easy to rainbow every challenge. I can’t wait to explore the rest of the game, as the bite-sized chunks are perfect for both short and long sessions of play.
Just because it looked awesome, I downloaded Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails, and played a few levels. It’s really a lot of fun, and gets challenging right from the beginning. Collecting those cats that run away when you touch them can be extremely difficult. The physics also take some getting used to, but I think I’m going to enjoy this one.
And I finally bought a Wii U Pro Controller because of the killer battery life and the fact that it just feels more natural in my hands than the GamePad. I don’t hate the way the GamePad feels (far from it), but I feel like I can button mash more effectively on a more conventional controller. Plus, I want the buttons and control sticks on my GamePad to last as long as they can.
Marc Deschamps
This week, I spent a lot of time with The Amazing Spider-Man 2 on Wii U in order to finish up our upcoming review. At this point, I’ve now played at least one game based on each of the five theatrical Spider-Man movies. It’s crazy to think that just 12 years ago, I was playing the first one on the Nintendo GameCube. I guess time flies when you’re web-swinging around!
I’m on vacation in sunny Hawaii this week, which means an awful lot of flying. Luckily, my 3DS has picked up the slack. A good five hours of flight time yesterday was devoted to The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (before my battery died, at least). It might sound like I’m late to the party, but I’ve actually had the game since the day it came out! I’ve just had quite a few other games to play beforehand. Now that I’ve finally started it, I can agree with all the reviewers: it is absolutely gorgeous. The gameplay is wonderful, the soundtrack is lovely, and the 3D is some of the best I’ve ever seen on the handheld. Maybe I should have started playing this sooner!
Mel Turnquist
Taking it easy gaming-wise due to errand running and in preparation of Mario Kart 8. I’ll likely be continuing on with Kirby: Triple Deluxe and attempting to get all the Sun Stones. I’m almost done with those. Still need the keychains, especially the rare ones!
What games will you be playing this weekend? Let us know in the comments!