9: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
“Edgeworth believed in me, and I believe in him.”
Have you ever had that a moment in your life that seems to change everything? A moment where you know what you want to do and who you want to be? Well, in the Ace Attorney series, we’re given one such moment with a young Phoenix Wright, showing how he decided not only that he wanted to be a lawyer but also how he became friends with both Miles Edgeworth and Larry Butz.
As a fourth grader, Phoenix had skipped gym class because of a cold. He was the only one in his class who skipped, but during that period, an envelope belonging to Miles that contained $38 was stolen. Now, most folks drew the same conclusion– Phoenix was the only one who wasn’t in gym class, so he must have taken the envelope. The next day, Phoenix was put on trial where he was met with the ridicule of his fellow classmates. Everybody pointed the finger at him, yelling for him to confess. Even the teacher didn’t believe him and was telling him that nobody liked liars. He was in tears, insisting he didn’t do it but was going over to apologize anyway. Finally, Miles had enough of this witch hunt and yelled “OBJECTION!” and silenced the class.
Miles then reasoned, in perfect defense lawyer speak, that there was no solid evidence of Phoenix taking the envelope. The only evidence they had was circumstantial, so therefore he didn’t do it (keep in mind that this was the kid whose money was stolen!). As the classmates argued, Larry Butz then interrupted and called for the kids to leave Phoenix alone and stop trying to start a witch hunt on someone who didn’t deserve it. Finally, the teacher decided to go with Miles’ argument, offered to pay the money, and Phoenix was acquitted.
It was because of that trial that Phoenix not only defended Edgeworth in the “Turnabout Goodbyes” portion of the original game, but it’s also the reason why he became a lawyer. He wanted to get close to Edgeworth, to stand up and believe in those who weren’t believed in, and he felt that defending his old friend in this trial was the very least he could do. It’s an inspiring origin story, showing how a simple gesture can really set you on your way to doing what you wanna do in life. Plus, friendship is awesome too. Can’t deny that.