What if Nintendo decided that a Kinect-type device was in fact the way of the future, and implemented this new fancy camera into their old Wii games? This video is most likely the result if Nintendo would handle Kinect functionality in their games similar to the companies currently making Kinect games. In short, it would be pretty stupid (and dangerous!).
Yikes! What do you think? Of course, this is intended purely for comedy, however it may not stretch far from the truth had this actually happened! Sound off in the comments to tell us what you think Kinect would be like had Nintendo created it, and also make sure to give us your impressions on the video and whether or not you’d like more features like this!
I don’t know how I missed this, because this is pretty amazing. Loved the last bit. And Kinect Wii Sports? And I thought Phoenix Wright was embarrassing.
Haha, glad you found it!