Wii U Deluxe Price Dropping to $299.99, Wind Waker HD Bundle Incoming

Price drop and bundles are set to roll out on September 20.

By Kyle England. Posted 08/28/2013 10:00 10 Comments     ShareThis

It’s happening! The Wii U Deluxe Set is getting a price drop! Nintendo has announced that starting on September 20, the Wii U Deluxe Set is dropping down to an MSRP of $299.99. This puts it at the same price as the Wii U Basic Set, implying that set is being phased out. Nintendo seems to be poised to take on competing systems this holiday season with a very competitive price point and a strong lineup of games.

Also relevant to the world of hardware is a new Wii U Wind Waker HD bundle! The new bundle, which was previously rumored, is coming on September 20, the same day as the Wii U price drop. This bundle is going to be a huge bargain. For $299.99, it includes a Wii U Deluxe System, a special GamePad adorned with the Hyrule crest, a code for a digital copy of The Wind Waker HD, and a download code for a digital copy of the book Hyrule Historia. Amazing! If you don’t have a Wii U, this bundle is the way to go, hands down. This is shaping up to be a great holiday season for Wii U indeed.

Source: Nintendo

10 Responses to “Wii U Deluxe Price Dropping to $299.99, Wind Waker HD Bundle Incoming”

  • 143 points
    oldmanstauf says...

    I’ve already seen early adopters pissed that a price break is announced. I’m not really sure what to think. I got mine the weekend it came out in 2012. While I much rather would have liked to pay 50 bucks less, I can say with absolute certainty that my son and I had a great deal of fun that wouldn’t have been had til a year later if I had waited. I don’t feel ripped off in the slightest.

    The game pad really doesn’t wow me. I’m not sore about not getting that in the new bundle. This looks like a good push to get higher #’s though. Hope it works!

    • 285 points
      Kyle England says...

      I agree. $50 doesn’t seem like it’s too much to get worked up over. 3Ds price dropped by $80! Still, I wonder if Nintendo will have some sort of Wii U ambassador program for us early adopters?

  • 143 points
    oldmanstauf says...

    If they do, cool, but I’m quite okay if nothing comes about.

  • 849 points
    ejamer says...

    Early adopters have plenty to be upset (or at least disappointed) about but a $50 price drop almost one full year after initial release really isn’t so bad.

    Zelda bundle looks pretty good! I wonder how big the game will be though – that 32 GB internal storage won’t last long if downloading full games.

  • 745 points
    OG75 says...

    Does anyone know if the Zelda WiiU bundle includes HDMI cables and the cradle stand for the gamepad? I know the WiiU Deluxe has had this up to now (along with Nintendo Land), but I’ve seen no mention on product description pages.

    • 143 points
      oldmanstauf says...

      Pretty sure it will have HDMI. Didn’t both Basic and Deluxe come with that? Don’t think they offered composite cables.

    • 1597 points
      penduin says...

      Even the basic Wii U packages included an HDMI cable; I’m sure the Zelda bundle does. I would guess it includes the cradle stand as well, but you’re right, not mentioned on the box, at least in any pictures I’ve seen.

  • 96 points
    ElectricOutcast says...

    Well at least I don’t have wait til I get my college degree to really get one anymore

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