Nightly News Roundup: 06.07.2012

Of secret titles, moderation, and predictions.

By Mel Turnquist. Posted 06/08/2012 01:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

Nightly News Roundup

Here’s the latest and the greatest around the world of Nintendo in the midst of E3…

Rumors of Retro Studios working on new title

The company that brought you the Metroid Prime series has been working on a new title. When asked about it, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime confirmed that the studio is hard at work. However, he didn’t reveal anything beyond that. He cited that he wanted to keep it a surprise. While it’s not clear whether the title will be from the Metroid franchise, there is at least some reason to think so.

The honest but vague answer from Fils-Aime suggests that the title that the studio is working on could be something big. He cited Donkey Kong Country Returns as an example of how he enjoyed unveiling that surprise. And if he’s using that game in comparison, it’s got to be something that we all wish could’ve been announced at E3.

Source: Gamer Front

MiiVerse to be moderated

In news on the “That Was a Given” front, the messages received in the MiiVerse will most definitely be moderated. This means that you cannot end up sending obscene messages comparing one’s lack of prowess at Mario Kart to certain body parts or any improper jokes about one’s other. Okay the latter can happen with clean enough language, I suppose, but the messages will be checked in order to protect children from falling victim to predators. Unfortunately, this will delay messages from sender to receiver for a good 30 minutes. With this moderation, this means that language will be filtered out so that swears will not be there, and there is an ability to flag inappropriate content. I hope that spammers count for the latter because you know within 2 months there’ll be some spambots going around trying to get us to buy into whatever scam they’re selling.

Source: Shack News.

Ubisoft: Wii U could launch in November

With all the Wii U insanity that has been surrounding us throughout E3, there is still one question that hasn’t yet been answered– when will it be launched? While some suggestions have given it a window between 3-4 months, Ubisoft has answered with a definitive month. When asked about Rayman Legends, one member of Ubisoft said that it will launch alongside of Wii U. When asked further, they said that it could possibly be November. While this isn’t set in stone, it’s still worth mentioning.

Source: Digital Spy

One Response to “Nightly News Roundup: 06.07.2012”

  • 156 points
    Linkrevenge says...

    I would think Nintendo could cut there some of their workload. If Nintendo would give a optional turn off choice to older players. The trick would be doing that with a household with younger kids as well as older kids.

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