Nintendo Updates on Amiibo Availability

Nintendo is moving an inch or so on its Amiibo stance!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 12/10/2014 19:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

Nintendo’s new Amiibo figurines have been a hot seller ever since their launch at the end of November. However, as we noted when going over some of Nintendo’s big releases a few weeks back, don’t expect to see every Amiibo remain on the shelves in perpetuity. At least… that’s how it seemed, initially.

Now, Nintendo has stated that limited Amiibo stock is a direct result of consumer demand and maximizing shelf-space at retail, but that any sold-out figures could potentially make a comeback in the future. That’s good news for fans who might be scrambling to get their hands on a Wii Fit Trainer Amiibo, for instance! Or any of the first wave of Amiibos, of course. Still, it seems for those who want a complete collection, buying now versus later is the safest bet.

Source: IGN

3 Responses to “Nintendo Updates on Amiibo Availability”

  • 849 points
    ejamer says...

    My interest in Amiibo has been relatively low. I’ve been skeptical about whether Nintendo would impress with the figures or (like so many other peripherals in their history) create something cool and then do a terrible job of distributing and supporting it going forward.

    How Amiibo is being handled in various games is still up for debate, but the uneven distribution and limited release has been a huge disappointment.

    Went to the stores last week trying to buy, but figures I wanted simply weren’t available. Checked online, same story unless I’m willing to spend outrageous amounts of money. I really wanted is a Villager figure and to collect the Fire Emblem Amiibos getting released – is that too much to ask? Apparently so.

    It’s nice that Mario and some of the main mascots are still available, and I’m sure they will sell more than the less well known characters. But I have a bunch of Mario toys already – it was the less well-known figures that were the biggest draw for me. (And judging from the frothing online demand, many others too.)

    So you can count me out, Nintendo. This potential Amiibo customer is officially lost.

    • 1297 points
      Robert Marrujo says...

      I sympathize, but I think the issue stems more from the unexpected, rampant success of the line as a whole. I don’t think anyone thought that Amiibo would be the hit that it is. The obvious figures like Mario and Pikachu were always going to be better sellers, so it makes sense that there’d be so few of the more long-shot sorts of ones like Villager. I wouldn’t give up, though; in the future, I’d preorder to be on the safe side. I’ve been preordering each one, and it’s worked out ok doing that.

      • 849 points
        ejamer says...

        Preordering sounds like a good idea… and that was my intent with Shulk. But that figure is retailer exclusive and all available preorders sold out within hours while I was at work. Rosalina+Luma? The same story.

        Maybe things will improve after the holidays. Maybe there will be more stock provided for minor characters and I’ll be able to buy in at a later date.

        But so far Nintendo of America hasn’t made a clear statement to that effect – they’ve done a lot of hedging and hawing, promised that *some* characters *might* come back in the future. Gee, thanks for being so specific! Their history with handling collectible peripheral items that have interested me (Animal Crossing cards, Kid Icarus AR cards) isn’t encouraging either.

        While the current “limited and exclusive” reputation might leave Nintendo pleased with Amiibo sell-through rates, it’s clearly not friendly to consumers – although scalpers and re-sellers seem to be enjoying the situation.

        So yeah… Merry Christmas? :\

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