The gaming press’ latest round of Nintendo doom and gloom has apparently set the rumor mills churning so furiously, so much so that they are now completely ignoring what Nintendo has clearly stated.
Japanese financial publication Nikkei reported that Nintendo would start releasing apps for smart devices that would deliver minigames, videos, and even demos of retail titles. These assessments are, in fact, partially in line with what Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata, stated when he released the company’s latest round of financial results.
Unfortunately, these predictions completely ignore other statements made by Iwata. While he did mention that Nintendo does indeed plan to leverage smartphones and tablets to better support its titles going forward, he also explicitly stated that there were no plans to develop games for those platforms. Nintendo further reiterated this point in a statement after Nikkei released their report: “Mr Iwata has also stated that Nintendo’s intention is not to make Nintendo software available on smart devices and as such, we can confirm that there are no plans to offer mini-games on smartphone devices.”
Nikkei stated that Nintendo would outline its plans at the Corporate Management Policy Briefing on January 30, so at the very least we don’t have too long to wait until we see whether or not Nintendo will clarify its future plans sooner rather than later.
Source: Nintendo Life