Eiji Aonuma, talking with CNET, revealed that the sequel to A Link to the Past on the 3DS will bring back the Dark World from the original game. Aonuma also emphasized that the 3D capabilities of the 3DS are vital to the new Zelda. This is the first time I have heard a Nintendo developer say that if you are not using the 3D capabilities, “you are not getting 100 percent of the intended experience.”
Judging from the gameplay videos of the new 3DS Zelda, the 3D capabilities do indeed play important roles in the dungeon puzzles. Aonuma also repeats the old adage that the 3D capabilities are difficult to advertise. I dislike tolerating excuses, but watching gameplay videos of Super Mario 3D Land is no where near the real experience of playing Super Mario 3D Land in 3D. I am looking forward to the new Zelda.
Source: Zelda Informer
This is going to be a great game. Yes I am stating the obvious.