Jimmy Fallon took the opportunity to comment on Nintendo’s current financial situation on Tuesday’s Late Night. Describing how Nintendo had lost over $300 million in the last year, he goes on to suggest that while the company had been doing pretty well, it sadly hit a banana peel and lost all its coins.
This was followed with a mock-up of a new game whereby Mario takes his gold coins and trades them at a Cash 4 Gold store. Mr. Fallon then stated that the saddest part was that Mario would probably spend it all on mushrooms.
This is not the first time that Nintendo has been mentioned on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, with Reggie Fils-Aime himself appearing last year to promote Wii U.
The jokes come in the wake of Nintendo’s recently forecast loss for the financial year ending March 31, 2014. While the company had initially predicted an operating profit, it now expects to make a loss of 35 billion yen ($335 million). Nintendo claims that this is largely the result of disappointing sales of Wii U during the holiday season and has cut the console’s sales forecast from nine million to 2.8 million units.
Source: Kotaku
Fallon’s great. Couldn’t believe buddy was making Mario Kart jokes, literally, as I switched the channel to him.
In other news – is it disconcerting that the sales are not even a third of what they had forecast it to be? I mean, that’s the equivalent of throwing a gigantic party, and having just a couple of your closest friends show up.
Well, as long as Nintendo doesn’t advertise, show off their properties at game expos, or engage their fan-base in any meaningful way – we can continue to expect those $350, 7-year-old-tech, tablet-but-not-a-tablet, Wii-but-not-a-Wii consoles to keep flying off the shelves.