Yacht Club Games has announced that its successful Kickstarter project, Shovel Knight, will be arriving in the 3DS and Wii U eShops on March 31, and in preparation for its launch, the studio has released some new footage of the retro-styled platformer. The new trailer highlights a few of the levels players will have to explore during the game, and offers a glimpse at some of the foes Shovel Knight will have to do battle with on his way to challenge the evil Enchantress, including a large dragon and a mysterious, shadowy doppelganger. Take a look below!
Did you contribute to Shovel Knight’s Kickstarter campaign? Will you be downloading the game when it launches this March? Let us know in the comments!
Source: YouTube
One of the many Kickstarter “preorders” I made last year is nearly here, and looking amazing! Shovel Knight seems to be the perfect way to begin the string of crowdfunded, personality-filled indie games. Later on, we’ll also get Hyper Light Drifter, Armikrog, Knite and the Ghost Lights, and of course Mighty Number Nine!
I’m looking forward to these games just as eagerly as Mario Kart, Smash Bros, and even X. This is going to be a wild year or two for Wii U!
As for Shovel Knight itself, I might even buy another copy for 3DS if it’s as good as it looks. I suspect they’ve absolutely nailed it.