Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze to Support Online Leaderboards and Video Replay

Gotta go fast… oh wait…

By Anthony Pershkin. Posted 01/21/2014 12:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

If you like speed running and high scoring, then you’re probably going to love the news that Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze supports online leaderboards and video replays.

The ranking system is divided into three categories: Global Top Rank shows you the best “runs” around the world, Global Player Rank shows the best records surrounding your current rank, and Friends Top Rank is dedicated to the rankings of players on your friends list. To prove your crazy skills, you can also upload a replay video per level for others to enjoy. Updating this video is only possible after you beat your own best time.

As you can see in the picture above, the ranking screen is quite busy with icons. The medal icon is awarded based on your time. The camera icon will show up on the screen if you uploaded a replay video. The heart icon indicates that you took no damage during the completion of this stage. And finally, the Kong buddy icon shows which buddy was used.

Do you think this feature is a great addition to already huge amount of content Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze has? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Nintendo World Report

2 Responses to “Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze to Support Online Leaderboards and Video Replay”

  • 1594 points
    penduin says...

    Nice! I normally don’t care too much about leaderboards but that looks really fun! I doubt I’ll ever be in the running for global leaderboards (I’m sure not in the Rayman challenges) but amongst my friends I bet I’ll do pretty well, and of course it will always be fun to watch other super players blast their way through levels.

    I was sold on Tropical Freeze right away, having recently played DKCR on 3DS and enjoying every moment, but everything I’ve learned since has only increased the appeal.

  • 0 points

    Anything that allows the life-span of the title to flourish.

    In the old days – not having this stuff was no big deal. The Internet would cover it, because, well, the games weren’t prepared to yet.

    But that philosophy has changed (did so about ten years ago for the competition) and it’s good to see Nintendo taking these steps.

    The idea of everything a game is, a game is capable of, and how it exists in the realm of popular culture can really only be explored with net-rich options. Having trouble with a level, and then being able to watch a world-master take it on, is a pretty neat option to have. If for no other reason than to enable players to divert the language through which they talk with a game.

    Some games become undoubtedly more awesome when mastery sets in (prime example: Super Mario Kart (SNES)). Yet, getting there is something that not every (adult) gamer has the time for. This allows the act of learning to become much more communal, and allows your technique and play-style as a result to be a lot more choice oriented.

    And it allows for it to happen -in game.- The act of doing this has become accepted amongst all gamers. You shouldn’t need to have a lap-top or smart-phone besides you to communicate about and explore options of the $350 machine you have that’s connected to the Internet. It allows the experience to remain whole – non-fractured.

    I see it as a plus. Especially when there can be more Nintendo charm associated with the presentation.

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