Nintendo President Satoru Iwata has improved his approval rating among shareholders to a 80.64 percent rating. At the meeting which confirmed Mr. Iwata’s re-election as President, 777,999 votes were cast in his favour, compared with 169,240 opposed. This marks a rise of over three percentage points in the President’s approval figures, from a 77.26 score last year, but is still some way down on his 2010 figures, which saw approval ratings of 97 percent.
The re-appointment and rise in popularity of Mr. Iwata may be a result of a relatively successful time for Nintendo compared to last year, with sales jumping after the release of Mario Kart 8, the continued dominance of 3DS, and the reveal of several new titles at last month’s E3 show. The 2013 figures were comparatively low owing to the lack of success Wii U enjoyed in the previous year, and while sales figures are not astronomical, they have been improving of late.
Source: Nintendo Everything