Daily Smash Bros. Screenshot Reveals Metroid: Other M Stage

Welcome to the Pyrosphere!

By Mel Turnquist. Posted 08/20/2013 15:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

Another day, another Smash Bros. revelation.

In today’s daily Super Smash Bros. screenshot, director Masahiro Sakurai posted a picture of Bowser and Samus battling in the Pyrosphere, which is a setting in the not-terrible-but-quite-disappointing Metroid: Other M. Sakurai hints that there may be some stage hazards in the form of “an enemy from Samus’ past,” which could mean anything. Could it be Ridley? A Metroid? Mother Brain? The jury is still out on exactly what he means, but we shall find out soon enough.

The Pyrosphere joins Skyloft, Smashville, the Garden of Hope, a Wii Fit stage, a Pilotwings stage, an unknown stadium, and Dr. Wily’s Castle as confirmed stages that will be featured in the upcoming games, which will drop sometime in 2014.

Source: Explosion.com

One Response to “Daily Smash Bros. Screenshot Reveals Metroid: Other M Stage”

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    With the 3DS game including stages from the portable games, I’m very curious to see what they might come up with for an SR388 stage, or the space station Fusion took place on.

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