64 Bits of Amazingness
Nintendo used the technology from the Nintendo 64 to its fullest in creating the new Star Fox game. With the game, the true vision of a cinematic Nintendo sci-fi shooter would be realized. It was this idea that made the designers eventually settle on making the N64 game a re-envisioning of Star Fox, rather than a full sequel. The story of the SNES Star Fox would be retold, but the gameplay and presentation would be much more advanced.
Star Fox 64 (aka Lylat Wars) was released for the Nintendo 64 in 1997. It instantly became a huge success and entered into the gaming consciousness forevermore. The game had it all: intense space battles, branching paths, multiplayer dogfights, interactive characters, new vehicles, and the brand spanking new rumble feature. Yes, Star Fox 64 introduced the rumble feature to home consoles, which became an industry standard by the very next generation.
The game was also fully voiced, a first for a Nintendo game. The developers intended for the voices and interactions of the Star Fox characters to seamlessly occur within the gameplay, and it led to an unforgettable experience. Who could forget the legendary quotes from Star Fox 64? They were funny, melodramatic, and cliché, but we love them just the same.
Yes, Nintendo had a hit on its hands. After Star Fox 64, the franchise was irrevocably cemented into the canon of Nintendo. Fox McCloud went on to appear in Super Smash Bros. as a playable character and got a stage all to himself. Fox had made it big, but it would be quite some before the gaming public heard from him or his team mates again.
Talk about a trip down memory lane. Great article, Kyle.
Maybe I should give Command a shot.