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E3 has come and gone, so now Nintendojo FM is here to recap and discuss! Kyle and Lukas dissect Nintendo’s Digital Event, as well as its general E3 strategy this year. We’re excited for a lot of games that have come out of one of the best E3 showings in years! Plus, we’ve been playing Mario Kart 8 in the meantime.
(Unfortunately Kyle’s audio ended up coming out a little quiet and somewhat garbled at times, so we’ll fix this next time! Please understand.)
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Recording Date
June 16, 2014
Kyle and Lukas
Show Contents
00:00:00 – E3 Recap and Discussion: Digital Event and Treehouse Live
00:57:00 – E3 Reflections and Nintendo’s Role
01:25:00 – Player Input: Mario Kart 8
01:41:30 Total Length
Music Credits
- Intro Theme: “Loading Screen” by Glitch City
- Icicle Mountain – Akito Nakatsuka – Super Smash Bros. Melee – GameCube – 2001
- The Best and Only Place for Killer Video Game Remixes
Good to hear from you guys. I’m glad everyone seems so blown away by Splatoon. I used to be really into Halo but the series has gone down hill. I liked the first Gears of War but that series went down hill. I never liked CoD. The whole level up thing takes away from skill IMO. I also just don’t like realistic shooters. So color me surprised when Nintendo introduced the most interesting shooter. It’s tactical focus is unique as well as the colors. It just looks awesome. The direction shooters have gone has lost me so this might get me back into them. I also really liked Steam, since I loved Valkyria Chronicles. I wasn’t expecting much from Nintendo then they blew me away. From a first party perspective I can’t remember the last time I was this excited about their content.