Week: End Game: On 08.20.11

We load up our copies of Xenoblade; region locking never stopped us before.

By Adam Sorice. Posted 08/20/2011 12:00 Comment on this     ShareThis

Welcome to this week’s edition of Week: End Game: On, our Saturday round table that covers what we’re playing in our down time. With the release of Xenoblade Chronicles this week (well in Europe, anyway) our staff are either preparing to slay… whatever you slay in Xenoblade or try and find something to distract them from their lack of JRPG-goodness. The very best games of this year may still be around the corner but we’ve got plenty to keep us going so let’s get this round table started!

Joshua Johnston

Best case scenario: I get that “special” copy of Xenoblade working on my Wii while I wait for my real copy to arrive from overseas via Royal Mail. (Thank you, Nintendo of Europe. I hope my cash is sufficient thanks for your awesome efforts.)

Worst case scenario: I’ll be playing more Mother 3.

Either way, it’s a win.

M. Noah Ward

I’m going to be out of town at the parents’ for the weekend, but I’m hoping to get in some League of Legends. More importantly, though, it’s birthday time, so I’m hoping for a new game to play that will be much more interesting for you to hear about! My DS has been sidelined. The specter of preventatively grinding for “gold” in Locke’s Quest has dulled my enthusiasm for that game, but I had a rollicking session with Metroid Pinball while waiting at the DMV for two hours to get my driver’s license renewed. Plus, I know my DS will be working ’round the clock once the new Kirby and Layton are out. Other than that, some time with Catherine, Bastion and Trenched on 360 fill in the rest of the blanks. Those fantastic XBLA games (the latter two listed; there’s honestly many other recent ones I didn’t list) make me long for the days when I got extremely excited about upcoming WiiWare titles.

Katharine Byrne

The game I’m going to be playing this weekend begins with “X” and ends in “enoblade Chronicles“! For once it’s actually a good thing to be living in the UK! You never know, Nintendo of America might finally have a stroke of genius and release Xenoblade Chronicles in something like fourteen years time– the same time it took Chrono Trigger to make the journey across the pond– or, failing that, you might get lucky and be able to buy it in sixteen years time– the length of time we had to wait for Final Fantasy. Just saying…

Nicolas Vestre

After a nice jaunt, I finished Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero for DS! The puzzles could sometimes be head-scratchers, but it’s a really good game that would appeal to a broad audience– not necessarily just kids. I didn’t try to find anything, but there is considerable depth for those who want to do so.

Sadly, I haven’t gotten much time to play The Sly Collection for PlayStation 3, which I plan to play a lot of this weekend (along with Beyond Good & Evil for GameCube).

It’s been over five years since I’ve completed New Super Mario Bros. for DS, and I don’t remember much of it at all, so it definitely deserves a play.

Lastly, I’ll be playing Mega Man & Bass (yes, another Mega Man game) for Game Boy Advance. Some time last year, I went to Gamestop and procured a used copy for a low price. However, GBA games that have stickers on the back of them have fused to my Game Boy Micro (I’m looking at you, Mega Man Battle Network 4), and it took incredible strength to yank that thing out of the socket. So those games are relegated to my GBA (I’m too chicken to try them in my DS phat or DS Lite).

Aaron Roberts

This weekend I’m going to continue playing Dead or Alive: Dimensions and I may try to get in some more of Wario Land: Shake It, which I still need to get full completion on. Wario sure loves getting his hands on some big assets, and I’m sure there’s a joke about breasts in there somewhere! I’m also working on Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions— something sounds familiar about that title– and recently decided to play through Final Fantasy Tactics again. We’ll see how far that goes.

Now it’s your turn; what are you playing this weekend? Are you enjoying Xenoblade as much as Katharine and (hopefully) Josh? Or are you playing something else to dispell the Xenoblade-blues? Let us know in the comments below!

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