Whether you love or loathe snow levels in video games, it’s hard to deny that they’re often accompanied by some of the most beautiful music in the entire medium. From the serenity of Phendrana Drifts to the gentle, fireside warmth of Frosty Wheel, snow levels typically inspire some of the most relaxing tunes in our favorite video games (which makes it easy to see why we love them so much here at Nintendojo). But while most themes convey the peace and tranquility of a snowy night, some can actually be quite foreboding, as this week’s track so effectively demonstrates…
Of every snow theme composed for the Zelda series, Snowpeak from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is easily the most chilling. Featuring a simple, sparse melody, the track does a magnificent job of evoking the cold desolation of a snowbound mountain, which in turn helped reflect the game’s grittier art style. There were no comforts to be found on Snowpeak– just ice and unrelenting snow, which beat against players and obscured their vision. (In fact, players had to transform into a wolf and use its heightened sense of smell to initially navigate through the storm that raged on the mountain.) It’s easy to find a theme that celebrates the beauty and peacefulness of snow, but few can so perfectly convey its darker, more sinister side as Snowpeak.
What are some of your favorite video game snow themes? Share them with us in the comments!