When 3DS had no games at launch that interested me, the Nintendo eShop became a godsend with its captivating and unique digital titles. Games like Sakura Samurai, VVVVVV, and Mighty Switch Force caught my attention during the online shop’s earliest stages, and gave me a reason to finally fall in love with my handheld. These early titles sparked a revolution on the eShop, causing independent developers to become attracted to the service and helped the service grow tremendously. The number of downloadable titles is also continuing to grow with the inclusion of the Wii U eShop, as Nintendo has gathered an immense amount of independent support for the console.
Some of my most anticipated Wii U and 3DS games are indie games, but I feel like they’re not getting the attention they deserve. There was a brief mention of these games in the past Nintendo Direct, but even that was over in a blink of an eye. Not only that, but they missed out on a couple of key titles that are going to be launching soon! So, I decided to compile a list of indie games that I am really excited for and are coming out within the next few months. While there are plenty of indie games, like Mighty No. 9, that are coming out far down the line, I wanted to solely focus on games that are coming out soon to give them the exposure that they deserve. With that said, all of the listed dates are tentative and are subject to change.
Here are my top ten most anticipated indie eShop titles!
Two Brothers: the way I’m seeing it, kinda carries a Nintendo Game-Boy look while adding some color, clearly taking a page out of Frank Miller’s playbook