GameCube is often unfairly characterized as a dreary and stagnant period in Nintendo’s history, when in reality there were multiple excellent titles released for the system. Nintendo has been a little late to the party with the popular trend of remaking last-gen (or is that, last-last-gen, now?) games in HD, but with the recent release of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, it’s finally arrived. GCN’s library of games might not be the most robust, but its lack of quantity is easily compensated for with its wealth of quality. Here are ten GCN games that are excellent candidates for an HD facelift!
Before I begin, I’d like to explain why titles like Resident Evil 4, Beyond Good & Evil, and other similarly amazing GCN titles aren’t on this list. The reason is that I wanted to highlight games that have yet to be remade in HD on any other platform. Resident Evil 4, for example, has already been redone in HD for PSN and Xbox Live, so rather than lavish more attention on games like it, it seemed better to remind people of titles that have been sitting out of the spotlight for a while. There are so many games that have graced the distinguished competition that they almost warrant a top ten demanding their release on the eShop, but that’s a story for another day! With that, on to the top ten.