Two Tribes Unveils New Game

Toki Tori developer shows off Rive.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 07/29/2014 18:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

Two Tribes might have recently gone through a major restructuring and downsizing, but the developer of the Toki Tori games and Rush, all of which can be found on Wii U eShop, is hard at work on its latest title, Rive.

In terms of the gameplay, the developers state it best when they say, “we describe it as ‘the metal wrecking, robot hacking shooter.'” Thankfully, they go into a bit more detail, stating that the game is a 2D platformer that features 360-degree shooting mechanics along with the ability to hack enemies to change their behaviors. The developers also released a brief trailer showing off some fast paced action that should put everything they described in better perspective.

The Netherlands-based developer has stated the game will be made available for all current consoles and will be playable at Gamescom in Germany next month, so hopefully there will be more details as well.

Source: Two Tribes

One Response to “Two Tribes Unveils New Game”

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    I rove Rive’s look. Two Tribes is a quality developer that doesn’t deserve the trouble its been having. Looking forward to this and I hope it’s a hit. Toki Tori 3, though, one day! I hope!

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