We’ve been waiting for months for this morning and now we finally know, Project Cafe is named Wii U.
As many have speculated, the console’s controller contains a six-inch screen that lets you stream your games to it.
Aside from gaming, the controller also allows you to chat with friends much like Facetime. You can also take pictures with it and transport them to your television.
Wii U will be compatible with all Wii controllers. It has a front-facing camera, a microphone, two circle pads, and an accelerometer as well as shoulder buttons and rumble support. The tablet can interact with Wii Remotes, the Wii Zapper and the Balance Board, even allowing players to weigh themselves without the need for the Wii U console to be nearby.
Iwata emphasized Wii U’s controller is not meant to be a portable console. There are a number of different applications for it, from continuing a title to using its camera and motion capabilities to interact with your television. It was also shown as being a portable board game machine, placed on a table to play checkers, for example.
A new Legend of Zelda title was shown during the reveal. The title sports a similar aesthetic to Twilight Princess, but it is far more detailed graphically. It has yet to be confirmed if the title is in development or merely a prototype.
Reggie revealed a few demos for the console. New Super Mario Bros. Mii for example, can be viewed either on the television or on the console’s controller. The toads from the previous adventure have been replaced by Mii characters.
Reggie emphasized that neither are actual games in development at the moment, but it is all but guaranteed New Super Mario Bros. Mii will see release at some point in the future.
Darksiders II, Assassin’s Creed and Batman: Arkham City have been confirmed as launch titles for Wii U.
Also revealed to be in development for the console are Ninja Gaiden 3, a new Tekken title, and a variety of other enthusiast-centric titles.
I am so happy they kept the Wii name. Actually I didn’t like it at first and I am not super-keen on it now. But I am really happy that they aren’t throwing the Wii generation overboard as some fans thought they might. For me Wii has been the most wonderful generation.
The response from Wiiu was the same as when the Wii was originally revealed: crappy name, videos showing a controller with a lot of function, and leaving the hardcore audience scratching their heads. Which all in all, if the past has taught us anything, should be good news.
It basically looked like a tablet with buttons and ergonomic grips (which looks like it works). And has all the function of a normal tablet and game controller. And HD 1020 graphics, the system looks awesome.
Now Nintendo just needs to fulfill all these promises, but as for now, great at the conference guys!