Ambassador Program NES Titles Available Now

Ambassadors, start your downloading.

By Bill Marcotte. Posted 08/31/2011 16:26 6 Comments     ShareThis

Not sure how long they’ve been available, but the 10 NES titles available to 3DS Ambassadors are available now (at least as of 7:03pm EST). Go get your titles now before Nintendo runs out of copies!

(Just kidding. They have tons of copies.)

Getting your titles from the eShop is kind of weird. You, in fact, already “own” said titles and have, in fact, “already” downloaded them.

  1. Go to the eShop.
  2. Hit left until you get to “Settings / Other”. Open that.
  3. Scroll down and hit “Your Downloads”.
  4. Scroll down until you see Super Mario Bros. You should see “Software Info” and “Redownload”. (Guess which button you press?) If you don’t see “Redownload” it’s because you already have it.
  5. You’ll have to download each title separately, but at least each one is free!
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link Screenshot
Time to get lost in Hyrule all over again.

Here are the titles you’ll be able to download (or salivate over if you’re not an Ambassador):

  • Super Mario Bros.
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
  • Metroid
  • NES Open Tournament Golf
  • Donkey Kong Jr.
  • Balloon Fight
  • Ice Climber
  • Wrecking Crew
  • Yoshi

What games are you planning to play? Balloon Fight? NES Open Tournament Golf? Let us know in the comments below.

6 Responses to “Ambassador Program NES Titles Available Now”

  • 690 points
    KisakiProject says...

    First time I’ve ever played Zelda 2. Man dloading them was a pain though. Nintendo needs to figure out how to do the eshops better.

  • 1597 points
    penduin says...

    I never seem to tire of the original Legend of Zelda. It’s almost shocking how well the game stands up today.

    Zelda 2 took me a long time to appreciate and finish (GameCube Zelda collection), but I love that it was included in the ambassador program. This makes it four Zelda games that are in my 3DS at all times. :^)

    I’m determined to finally complete Metroid without having to resort to NARPASSWORD as well.

    • 1332 points
      Andrew Hsieh says...

      I never beat The Legend of Zelda on NES (I know, I know– I’m trying right now though!) but I can see why people might if it’s on handheld, since they can take it everywhere. Certainly it’s more convenient than GBA cartridges.

      • 576 points
        MegabusterLegends3 says...

        It also helps that even if you exit the application and turn off the system, it saves your game, much like the Wii does. Personally, I can’t stand the original Zelda, but I think Zelda II is great. Yoshi has to be my favorite though.

  • 1379 points
    xeacons says...

    eh…They’re all top rated titles, but, let’s face it, nothing that’s not on the Wii VC. Well, at least they’re portable now. Already had most of them. All the ones I cared about at least.

    I just hope the GBA games can provide a better line-up.

  • 240 points
    Windy says...

    Im so glad I was able to transfer all my Ambassador software to my 3dsXL I have so much stuff in my games folder I don’t know where to start LOL

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