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Rob Keyes of GameRant.com joins Noah and Marc to discuss the importance of multimedia functionality in our consoles and handhelds and also debate Nintendo’s hardware design and legacy.
In case you have sensitive ears, there are a few swear words in this episode.
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Recording Date
August 30, 2011
Rob Keyes with Noah and Marc
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:17 Convergence of Multimedia & Consoles… AND MORE
00:41:20 Feedback
00:49:12 Conclusion
00:49:49 Credits
00:50:36 Total Length
Did you guys see what ubisoft was making Ghost Recon Online looked beautiful ONLINE! and killer freaks from outer space
I loved Monkey Ball and that should be on wii u
and GTA on wii u with a online flair to show people the console could do more would be epic