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A head cold can’t stop this podcast, so Noah, Adam and Evan chat about PAX 2011 and find more than enough to talk about between Nintendo’s fall release schedule and rage-filled feedback.
You can send in feedback to showmail at nintendojo dot com, facebook.com/nintendojo or twitter.com/nintendojo! You can also leave a comment below!
Recording Date
August 30, 2011
Noah, Adam and Evan
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:35 What We’re Playing
00:10:37 PAX 2011 Impressions
00:25:24 Skyward Sword Bundle, Fall Release Schedule & Epic Mickey 2?
00:51:36 Rage Filled Feedback
01:02:23 Conclusion
01:03:38 Credits
01:05:23 Total Length
Haven’t listened yet but I like the sound of rage filled feedback!
Your Welcome, in advance!
Well, Noah and Crew (+ cats), I must be living some twisted Avant-Garde version of All the World’s a Stage, because, after being a screaming infant, followed by a whining school boy, I have now become a teenager, feeling true love for the first time. (Washes out taste of heavy metaphor).
I have just discovered (or re-discovered) 4 games that I have absolutely fallen hopelessly in love with.
The first of which is Pop Island: PaperField on DSiWare. This game is absolutely amazing, hectic fun, reminiscent of days gone by, when me and my buds would play Twisted Metal for hours on end. I usually feel that 3D games on DS are a waste of time unless they are Big-N developed, but this game looks beautiful, and also plays beautifully. It’s very simplistic, but (especially for 2 bucks) it is the most fun on multiplayer I’ve had since Smash Bros.
The next hidden gem I discovered in the past week actually came from the Ambassador Program. This amazing game is simply titled “Yoshi”. Now my bias as a Yoshi lover may be unfair (If it weren’t for the fact that I signed up for Nintendojo to speak my mind about MML3, my name would have been Yoshi-related), but I drained my 3DS battery twice playing it. Better puzzle game than Tetris, if you ask me.
Thirdly, I got my PSX emulator working, along with my Dualshock 3 as my Gamepad, so I have FINALLY been able to experience Megaman Legends 2. It took me 2 hours, but I got it working. ‘Nuff Said.
The last game I just got hooked on is Ape Escape. After I saw the PS Move game (which sucks, in case you were wondering), I found the ISO for Ape Escape and loaded it onto my PSX emulator as well. The game ages well, and I curse the fact that my PS3 can’t play any of the sequels. What I find interesting, though, is that Ape Escape is no longer a Sony First Party (Its an Ubisoft property), not since the first game, so it is possible we could see this very Nintendo-Like Franchise make it to Wii U. The only thing that has prevented it from moving to other systems is Dualshock Analog sticks, which the other systems have now emulated.
Just a side note, 3DS typing doesn’t make me angry, I’ve become a bit of a savant with it. I can type pretty fast now with 2 Stylii (Styluses? Stylapi?).
Now, I would like to ask YOU guys a question. We don’t do that anywhere near as much as we should.
What NES games from the Ambassador Program do you think hold up the best? I personally think Yoshi, Metroid, and Balloon Fight are still as fun as ever, and the others, aside from maybe Mario and Zelda 2, kind of suck. I’d give Ice Climber honorable mention, but DK Jr is so inferior to DK ’94, I can’t stand it.
I played Epic Mickey, and I loved it, but that may be partly due to the fact that I was born and raised a few miles from Orlando and went to Disney World 5 times a year. Warren Spector is a real hardcore Disney fan, and it shows. I like him for that.
Balloon Fight is such an under rated game and it just made me that much hungrier for the inevitable virtual console release of Balloon Kid. Also, you get points for referencing All the World’s a Stage… you are referencing the Rush album, right?
Here is a snipplit from a Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D preview from Nintendo World Report:
“While the game looks as if the move to the 3DS left the title no worse for the wear, the controls leave much to be desired. The loss of the second analog stick seems to have affected the game in significant ways. Snake is moved via the Circle Pad, the camera is controlled with the face buttons,… It took quite a long time to get used to controlling the camera with the face buttons. While it certainly isn’t broken, it is counter-intuitive. After the necessary adaptations were made, the game was playable, but it seemed to constantly feel like a slight barrier between myself and the action.”
I am interested in using a second slide pad as a camera stick for games like Metal Gear Solid and Splinter Cell that use the buttons instead. I also believe that a second slide pad would be useful for controlling the camera in games like Monster Hunter, Super Mario 3D Land, and Samurai Warriors. It was not my intention to use it for First Person Shooters.