Nightly News Roundup: 05.21.2012

Retro working on Star Fox vs. Metroid? Pound the Rumor Alarm!

By Andy Hoover. Posted 05/21/2012 21:45 3 Comments     ShareThis

Aliens: Colonial Marines Slated for 2013 but not E3

Gearbox’s long awaited take on the popular Aliens franchise will finally be playable on February 12th, 2013; or at least it will be for Xbox 360 and PS3 owners. The game is scheduled for Wii U but SEGA and Gearbox are keeping the release information on that version under wraps, which probably has something to do with the system itself doesn’t even have a release date.

And if you are hoping to learn more about how the game will play come E3, well, you are going to be disappointed because word has it that it will not be playable there. So it looks like everybody can just go back to the waiting they are all too accustomed to at this point.

Source: Press Release, Nintendo World Report

Castlevania Rumored to be 3DS Bound

Word is coming through the grapevine that Konami will be unveiling Castlevania: Mirror of Faith for 3DS at E3 and the title is allegedly being developed by MercurySteam, the same folks who worked on the franchises last outing on 360 and PS3, Lords of Shadow.

While this rumor remains very much unsubstantiated, the series has a long history on Nintendo handhelds that covers half a dozen critically and commercially successful titles, so it would only seem to make sense to keep the trend going on 3DS.

Source: Go Nintendo

Retro Allegedly Mixing Star Fox with Metroid

Moving on from an unconfirmed but perfectly reasonable rumor to something so darn crazy it could very well hold some measure of truth. Famed Nintendo dev team, Retro Studios, is supposedly working on a Wii U title that will see Fox McCloud and team join forces with Samus Aran.

The game will allegedly maintain each of the franchises trade mark styles, with Samus exploring and solving puzzles, while the Star Fox guys participate in fast paced warfare on land and in space. Players will switch back and forth between these differing styles as the progress through the plot, which apparently revolves around Andross’ plans to exploit the powers of the Metroids to further his evil ambitions. Outside of the story, gamers will also be able to enjoy competing with other players via online leaderboards and multiplayer battles.

And allow me to once again reiterate, this is in no way shape or form even remotely close to being confirmed. Retro is definitely working on something, with a Wii U game probably making the most sense, and Nintendo obviously had done a few mash-ups in their time, so while there is some measure of possibility for truth here, we will have to wait until we see and hear more.

Source: Paul Gale Network

That’s all the news we have today but what are your thoughts on delayed Aliens? Alleged Castlevania? Or Fox McCloud and Samus Aran fighting toe to toe to save the galaxy? Let us know in the comments below!

3 Responses to “Nightly News Roundup: 05.21.2012”

  • 678 points
    amishpyrate says...

    star fox………… and metroid? my head just exploded

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    A Metroid/StarFox crossover seems completely nuts, but I’ll be first in line for such an adventure if it turns out to be true. Retro’s developers have proven that they can make Metroid games even better than Nintendo’s can, and I suspect they’d be just as adept with Star Fox. Combining these universes would force the game to not take itself too seriously, while affording all kinds of mind-bending possibilities.

    And maybe, just maybe, Slippy could get his awesome, croaky, original SNES voice back, instead of the whiny high-pitched nails-on-chalkboard voice he’s had since 64… Screw the concept of “canon”, I say! Take the best of all worlds and run with it!

    In any case, I really hope this insane rumor is true! :^)

  • 1244 points
    lukas85 says...

    star fox= great game
    Metroid= AWESOME game

    Star fox + metroid = WTF?

    i really dont like this idea, i think the 2 games are too different to be on the same adventure, i rather play a superb traditional or prime style metroid than a new game involving different gameplay mechanics and a weird story. Metroid is about super advanced alien races, star fox is a sci fi game too, but with speaking animals, its not the same, and i dont think it will be a good match, i like my metroid games serious and gritty, and star fox, fun and charming , but a combination of two…is just crazy.

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