Nightly News Roundup: 09.04.2012

The rumor mill continues with the spotlight on Zelda U and convincing Wii U launch details.

By Michael Contino. Posted 09/04/2012 19:03 2 Comments     ShareThis

Nightly News Roundup

2014 can’t come soon enough

Believe it or not, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword flew onto store shelves nearly a year ago. With Wii U landing very soon, Nintendo fans have been wondering about the 2011 hit’s successor. A trusted Japanese source gives a reasonable 2014 release date for the upcoming grand adventure that will see Link enter the HD realm for the first time ever (unless we see him first in the next Super Smash Bros.).

According to the source, Zelda U will include the following:

>Biggest development team ever
>Most ambitious and innovative adventure to date
>Skyward Sword-style graphics, now in HD with much better quality
>Expansive dungeons
>Online features

The article describes a game of epic proportions that we all hope to be true but for now, let’s leave this in the back of our minds and wait until a potential teaser trailer at E3 2013.

Zelda Skyward Sword HD

You’re not going to want to skip this.

Source: Wii U Daily

Rise of the 11th

Video Product Distributors, or VPD, distributes products to different outlets, including Apparently, SKUs for three separate Wii U bundles have been leaked with a singular launch date of November 11th. The three bundles are:

>WIIU SYSTEM – GM – 11/11/12 $249.99
>WIIU SYSTEM W/ – GM – 11/11/12 $299.99
>WIIU SYSTEM 349 W/ – GM – 11/11/12 $349.99

11/11 happens to be a Sunday and occurs less than two weeks before both Black Friday and the Thanksgiving holiday. If these listings hold true, a $249.99 price tag should hit the sweet spot and I’m guessing the two larger bundles could include Nintendo Land and an extra GamePad, respectively.

Official word on such matters will arrive in less than 9 days during the Wii U Preview in New York City.

Source: Nintendo Life


You’re about to see a very familiar face in this new promotion for Bridgestone tires. Apparently, Mr. Kevin Butler has jumped ship from Sony to tout just how much fun Wii can be.

Source: YouTube

2 Responses to “Nightly News Roundup: 09.04.2012”

  • 702 points
    Matthew Tidman says...

    I hope it is 11/11/12. Then I might be able to convince my wife that we can get it as an anniversary gift.

  • 9 points
    theamazingxemo says...

    Think we’ll see a launch day limited edition like Sony did for the Vita? A Wii U “First Edition Bundle” sure sounds like a money maker! Hell, I’d buy one just to get it a week early! Maybe a first ed. bundle set for 11/11, and reg. launch on 11/18?

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