Nightly News Roundup: 02.22.12

Juicy news for fans of every stripe!

By Pierre Bienaimé. Posted 02/22/2012 23:46 Comment on this     ShareThis

Mario Tennis Open to Offer Online Play on 3DS

Nintendo today released a gameplay-filled trailer of Mario Tennis Open, the next game to bring the racketed sport to the Mushroom Kingdom. Dubbed “open” for a reason, players will be able to play against (or jump into doubles with) others online. Take it as yet another sign that Nintendo is lending an ear to the popularity of online play. But, where’s Waluigi?

Source: Nintendo

The Last Story is Indeed Heading to North America

A summer release over which adherents of both mainstream and obscure JRPG will rejoice: made by Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, The Last Story has so far enjoyed positive reception in Japan. The game’s stateside (and Canadian) release is all thanks to the initiative of dedicated fans. Nintendo was not deaf to the vocal push called “Operation Rainfall,” thanks to which both The Last Story and Xenoblade will be telling their stories in the West.

Source: Nintendo

Nintendo 3DS to Boast Game Gear Games

And starting March 14th, yours truly will have one less reason not to get the handheld. The Game Gear might be dead and mostly forgotten (suffering from a similarly inexplicable syndrome as the Sega Dreamcast), but its software will live on.


The first three games to get the treatment will be The G.G. Shinobi, Sonic & Tales 2 and Dragon Crystal Shirani’s Maze. You’ll get to dash around as the Sonic of a classic iteration without devouring AA batteries (as the Game Gear certainly did).

Source: Andriasang

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