Nintendo Changes Stance on Evo Streaming Super Smash Bros. Melee

UPDATE: Shoryuken-run fighting game tournament is now allowed to stream its Melee tournament online.

By Mel Turnquist. Posted 07/09/2013 19:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

UPDATE: It appears that Nintendo has changed its stance and will allow Evo to stream Melee!

Original Story: Cue the fanboy/fangirl outrage (not that I blame them)!

Evo 2013, which is the world’s largest fighting game tournament, has been informed by Nintendo of America that they are banned from broadcasting their Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament. The showrunners, fighting game fan site Shoryuken, broke the news today in a schedule update. While this is only one of several fighting games being played, they are the only one who have been given a gag order when it comes to broadcasting the games.

Most fans are up in arms about this, but within reason. It’s not surprising, however, given that Nintendo has been cracking down on the usage of its intellectual property. But yet, it’s still a little upsetting considering this was the first time that Super Smash Bros. Melee was included in the schedule at least when it came to the streaming era. Perhaps it’s more due to the next Smash Bros. coming out within the next year, but regardless, it’s still rather disappointing for folks.

Evo 2013 is starting on Friday and is held in Las Vegas.

Source: Kotaku

2 Responses to “Nintendo Changes Stance on Evo Streaming Super Smash Bros. Melee

  • 45 points
    terribledeli says...

    I’ve got a sinking suspicion this was more Nintendo’s legal department acting alone than a calculated move by Nintendo, as a whole, to prevent streaming.

    Once the marketing team caught wind of the potential poo storm, I imagine the legal department was locked back in their bunker.

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    It would have been a real shame if the block had been maintained. Nintendo was wise to show EVO some respect, it’s not like they’re some pack of misfits. Besides, Smash deserves some time in the sun, especially with the new games coming.

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