We all know the video gaming industry is rapidly changing with new consoles, markets, distribution channels, and technologies coming and going faster than ever before, and companies need to adapt to the ever changing flow in order to stay afloat. Tragically, this Darwinian process has resulted in Capcom letting go of several employees in its American offices as the company goes through a corporate restructuring.
“Capcom today laid off several employees from the US office as part of an overall organizational restructure of the company,” Capcom said through a released statement. “The transition to the new generation of hardware and changing industry landscape have required us to adapt our business to best meet our new goals.”
The statement never quantifies the word “several” but we do know within these ranks is senior vice president Christian Svensson, who released his own statement clarifying that his departure was planned well in advanced, saying “Capcom is going in a different direction and the need for people at my level, relative to other areas, is lacking. Those who know me well, know that I’ve been ready to go for quite some time.”
It is always sad to see people lose their means of making a living but we wish the best for everybody affected by these changes and hope Capcom comes out stronger for it as well.
Source: IGN