News: Xenoblade Named Time’s 2nd Best Game of 2012

Damn you, Guild Wars!

By Luke Brown. Posted 12/06/2012 17:00 6 Comments     ShareThis

I am sure you are all aware of Nintendojo’s feelings towards the behemoth that is Xenoblade Chronicles. Well, we are not alone in singing the praises of one of the Wii’s greatest hits. Time magazine have named it as their 2nd Best Game of 2012, with only Guild Wars preventing it from taking top spot. It makes me feel all warm inside to think that Xenoblade is held in such high regard, especially when you consider that the game may never have seen the light of day in Europe and America.


From looking at the list below, it is clear that our favourite JRPG has fought off competition from a number of stellar titles, so getting 2nd place was no mean feat. I’ve never played Guild Wars myself, but from the countless hours I have spent traversing the epic landscapes of the Bionis and Mechonis, Xenoblade is my undisputed number one! An honourable mention should also go to The Last Story, which comes in at number seven. This top ten list just goes to show that the Wii truly went out in a blaze of glory.

The full list is as follows:

  1. Guild Wars
  2. Xenoblade Chronicles
  3. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
  4. Dishonored
  5. Assassin’s Creed 3
  6. Papo & Yo
  7. The Last Story
  8. LittleBig Planet PS Vita
  9. Halo 4
  10. Torchlight 2

Has Xenoblade been robbed of top spot, or is it punching above its weight? Let us have your opinions in the comments section below.

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