News: Conker’s Creator Wants to Make Wii U Games for eShop

Is our foul-mouthed, furry friend due to make a glorious comeback?

By Luke Brown. Posted 12/06/2012 16:00 Comment on this     ShareThis

News Desk Masthead - Wii U 1

Chris Seavour, one of the developers who gave us the wonderful Conker’s Bad Fur Day, has said in a recent interview with Not Enough Shaders that he is open to developing for the eShop in the future. When quizzed about his development activities at present Seavour responded:

“Yep… Tablet and Smart Phones only at the moment… Although looking at the Wii U, it definitely might have potential for the new controller… But only on their indie shop (eShop) thing, and not for while if we do decide to look into it… I’d rather start something new…”


So, from the above it seems incredibly unlikely that we will see a new Conker title anytime soon, particularly seeing as Rare seem to be too busy churning out mediocre Kinect games to even attempt to recapture the old glory days. But hey, we can all dream right?

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