Nintendo has announced that Metroid: Zero Mission, Samus Aran’s second Game Boy Advance outing, is set to arrive on the European Virtual Console later this week. The title is a remake of the original NES Metroid with improved graphics and some added features.
Metroid: Zero Mission landed on the Game Boy Advance in 2004. The title received strong reviews, but also faced some criticism for being a bit on the shorter side. The game does, however, feature the original NES Metroid as an unlockable feature, so fans of the franchise can actually get a nice bonus if that feature has been retained on Wii U!
Perhaps the most memorable aspect of Metroid: Zero Mission is a section of the game in which the player must control Samus without her signature suit of armor. Samus’ “zero suit” provided a bit of a lasting legacy for the title as it has since been immortalized in the Super Smash Bros. games.
Do you plan on downloading Metroid: Zero Mission when it releases on the Virtual Console? As always, let us know in the comments below!
Source: Nintendo Everything
This is cool. Now maybe they’ll, you know, make a NEW Metroid game. I know, its an earth-shattering proposition. Just let that sink in. Oh, here’s an even more mind-blowing idea — how about they make a GOOD Metroid game! WHOA! (Other M slam: check.)