Kickstarter for Hex Heroes on Wii U Has 8 Days Left

If Warcraft II mixed with Mario Party sounds good to you, go back it!

By Anthony Pershkin. Posted 04/15/2014 18:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

Hex Heroes by Prismatic Games is a self-proclaimed first of its kind “Party RTS” game for Wii U, in which four players on the TV team up with one player on the GamePad to have some good old RTS action. If you’re not familiar with the genre, it usually involves building stuff, digging for resources, and fighting enemies, all while controlling your units from a bird’s-eye view. Real-time strategy games on consoles usually cannot keep up with PC standards, thanks to their less intuitive controls, but Wii U seems like the perfect platform to reinvent the genre for consoles. And even though the game is made mainly for RTS audiences, thanks to its “party” element, more action-oriented gamers can join the fun while directly controlling single units on the TV screen.

Other than that, Hex Heroes will also have a single-player campaign for those without friends, some pretty interesting cameos by popular indie characters (like Guacamelee’s Juan, SteamWorld Dig’s Rusty, and Shovel Knight), and even the Game Grumps themselves. As a cherry on top, the legendary Grant Kirkhope, of Banzo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64 fame, will be handling the game’s soundtrack.

There are eight days left for Hex Heroes’ Kickstarter campaign, with only $36,660 pledged of its $80,000 goal. So, if you’re interested in the project, it’s now or never!


Source: Kickstarter

2 Responses to “Kickstarter for Hex Heroes on Wii U Has 8 Days Left”

  • 849 points
    ejamer says...

    This game looks fantastically entertaining … but doesn’t seem like it’s getting much buzz. Maybe other people just aren’t as excited about it as I am?

    One week left. Here’s hoping the pace picks up.

    • 1597 points
      penduin says...

      I agree on both counts – this looks great, and it hasn’t gotten its all-important storm of publicity and excitement. If you compare its pace on kicktraq with Knite and the Ghost Lights, it’s certainly not hopeless, but that one was a nail-biter for me too. :^)

      I’ve been thinking for a while that Nintendo really needs to reach out to some of these kinds of projects, especially one like this which is looking to use the gamepad in a really novel way. Kickstarter success or no, I do hope this game gets made because it looks like a lot of fun!

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