Dan Adelman, former head of Nintendo’s indie game publishing department, had some interesting thoughts to share about the company following his recent departure. According to Adelman, Wii U has a number of things going in its favor, but its name isn’t one of them.
As Adelman put it, “the name Wii U is abysmal. I think that cut sales in half right there.” His sentiments mirror what many have already pointed out, that Wii U didn’t do enough to differentiate itself from Wii in the eyes of fans, creating unnecessary consumer confusion in the process. That being said, Adelman does also state that “Wii U is not selling as well as it deserves to,” and spent some time elaborating on what the console is doing right.
What do you think of the name Wii U? Did it confuse you when Nintendo announced it? Should Nintendo consider a name change? Sound off in the comments!
Source: IGN
When Reggie first announced it at E3 way back when, my first thought was “Please tell me this is a joke.”
I never liked the Wii name in the first place, nor Nintendo taking their company name out of the title. Wii U was twice as bad. But distinguishing itself from the former isn’t the problem. The Wii U does that better than either of its competitors. The name just sucks.
Adelman is absolutely correct in this his statement.
It is 2014 and I continue to speak with a number of parents who think the Wii U is just a tablet controller for the Wii. I think 50% is a conservative estimate.
My own Step Mother (one of those non-gamer Wii customers) was unaware that the Wii U was a different console up until this past March when I actually had to show her and explain the difference….. The name “Wii” through her off just as it has (and continues to do so!) so many customers.
Completely agree about the craziness of not including “Nintendo” in the console names. I wish they would resurrect “Nintendo Entertainment System” and just call all their consoles that. Consistency and brand/product recognition is key.
Sony and Microsoft have the right idea in keeping “xbox” and “playstation” around with each subsequent console.
Good point both of you have. If Microsoft can make “Xbox One” work, Nintendo could make “THE Nintendo Entertainment System” or something of the like.
Either way, Nintendo’s name out front is a winner.
Now we’re talking. I like including “Nintendo Entertainment System” in the name.
I’m hoping Nintendo has learned from this mistake and corrects course with their next system.
While my anecdotal data isn’t doesn’t necessarily support the 50% claim. I do feel that Dan Adelman knows what he’s talking about, and that his comments express a suspicion/frustration that is shared with many of his former colleges at NOA.
I also feel Nintendo tried to rectify the consumer confusion with some half-hearted “T-Charts” that tried to illustrate the differences between the Wii and Wii U. At the end of the day, I still see confusion with both my “non gamer” friends and the general public. Just look at the below link.
But good point Toadlord about Xbox One. That’s a crazy backwards name if I’ve ever heard one!
Wish I could edit my posts:
I of course meant “former colleagues at NOA”
Also, “threw” not “through” in my first post.
I’m really not that bad… Just typing in a hurry/busy with my 3 and 1 year olds. :)