Donkey Kong Country Swings on to Virtual Console in Europe

Accompanied by Donkey Kong Land, as well!

By Marc Deschamps. Posted 10/13/2014 15:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

Donkey Kong fans are about to find a whole lot to like on the Virtual Console. Starting today, the European eShop will see two new titles starring Nintendo’s favorite gorilla every week for the rest of October. That’s a lot of Donkey Kong goodness, and it won’t cost you a lot of banana coins!

The original Super Nintendo Classic, Donkey Kong Country, kicks things off on the Wii U today, but the Nintendo 3DS is also getting a dose of Donkey and Diddy! The title’s Game Boy counterpart, Donkey Kong Land, is also now available for download. The follow-up titles to both games, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest and Donkey Kong Land 2, will arrive on the service October 23. Finally, both trilogies will conclude on October 30 when Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble and Donkey Kong Land III arrive.

It should be pointed out that, contrary to popular belief, the Land titles are not ports of the Country games. While the games are certainly styled after their console brethren, each game is a totally original title. Making the deal even sweeter is the fact that any Donkey Kong Country purchase will also result in a thirty-three percent discount on Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. Meanwhile, any Donkey Kong Land purchase will result in an equal discount for Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. That’s a whole lot of Kong!

Are you planning on picking up any of Rare’s classics? Let us know in the comments below, and stay tuned to Nintendojo for news on an upcoming US release!

Source: Nintendo Life

2 Responses to “Donkey Kong Country Swings on to Virtual Console in Europe”

  • 819 points
    Toadlord says...

    Confession time:

    The first news I saw on this was just an info-graphic about the games coming out, and I didn’t put together that this was a Europe only thing. I proceeded to shout, jump for joy, do a happy dance around my computer.

    Then I came crashing back to reality.

    Still, I was of the opinion that these games were never going to see the light of day again after they were taken down for the Wii Virtual Console, so this is great news. I mean, they HAVE to release them again in North America, Right? Right!?

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    This was the absolute biggest reason I hesitated to send in my Wii U again; I DON’T want to lose my DKC games on Wii’s VC. I got them back the first time I sent the system in, so hope it’ll happen again this time, but if the games are coming back-YAAAAYYYY! Hit America too, dang it!

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