Top Ten: Nintendo 64 Games…Not Made by Nintendo

The other best games on Nintendo 64!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 10/18/2014 12:00 5 Comments     ShareThis

Ocarina of Time. Mario 64. Majora’s Mask. Wave Race 64. The list of amazing games to come out of Kyoto for Nintendo 64 is almost staggering. Nintendo was firing on all cylinders when N64 was in its prime, but that’s not to say the developer was alone in bringing outstanding software to the system. Plenty has been said, and rightly so, of the games that Nintendo produced during the N64 era, so it seems like the perfect time to switch things up and look at the ten best games that every other developer graced fans with during that same period!

Continue to number 10…

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5 Responses to “Top Ten: Nintendo 64 Games…Not Made by Nintendo”

  • 745 points
    OG75 says...

    The only way this list could be better is if it was a “coming soon” list on the Wii U’s virtual console!

    It would also have Rayman 2, Rocket: Robot on Wheels, Turok 2, and Body Harvest on it. Oh, and James Bond: The World Is Not Enough.

    So happy to see Ridge Racer on there….

  • 690 points
    KisakiProject says...

    For me the best “non-tendo” N64 game were Gauntlet Legends, Battle Tanx, Forsaken, the Bomberman games and Turok games.

  • 42 points
    hp3 says...

    The Rush racing games from Midway were awesome, and Moral Kombat 4 which played better on N64 than the arcade version.

  • 678 points
    amishpyrate says...

    The WWF games were epic on N64. They are still in my opinion better than the ones they make today

  • 111 points
    roykoopa64 says...

    I was going to say Ridge Racer 64 but it counts as a Nintendo developed game since it was Nintendo Software Technology, right?

    Anyway, nice list! Rogue Squadron makes my list as well.

    My own list would include some Turok representation, probably the 2nd one, Seeds of Evil. My goodness, was that game impressive! Expansion Pak for the win: those detailed graphics and enemy dismemberment blew my mind, along with the presentation values. And the music, wow.

    Rayman 2: The Great Escape was pretty awesome as well.

    The other two games on my list would have to be:
    –Rocket: Robot on Wheels (wonderful 3D platformer by Sucker Punch)
    –Shadow Man (one of the best mature games I have played that was ‘mature’ in more ways than you can imagine. This game had a massive world to explore).

    (Looks like OG75 and KisakiProject agree with me on some of my picks.)

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