DK: King of Swing Rated For Wii U By ESRB

The first member of the DK crew is back for more.

By Anthony Pershkin. Posted 11/19/2014 16:30 3 Comments     ShareThis

Game Boy Advance has a lot of odd spin-offs in its library, things people don’t usually remember or even know about. DK: King of Swing was one of them, and, by the looks of it, will be getting a Virtual Console release pretty soon. Otherwise, the game recently received a Wii U rating by the ESRB as a joke.

This is not the first time an ESRB rating spoils the surprise of a Virtual Console game, so I assume we can expect Donkey Kong to swing onto our Wii U consoles in the near future. Hopefully, at some point we’ll also get its DS sequel, DK Jungle Climber, which is considered by fans to be a massive improvement over the original.

Would you like to see other Donkey Kong spin-offs released on Wii U? Any Jungle Beat fans out there?

Source: Nintendo Everything

3 Responses to “DK: King of Swing Rated For Wii U By ESRB”

  • 678 points
    amishpyrate says...

    Didn’t that game use a gyro sensor? If so there’s no excuse not to have Kirby tilt and tumble on 3ds

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Sadly, no; the controls were mainly based around using the two shoulder buttons. I hear ya, though, no excuse for Tilt to not be on Wii U (or 3DS, for that matter).

  • 849 points
    ejamer says...

    Not sure I care about Tilt and Tumble… but I’ve always wanted to try WarioWare Twisted. Maybe one day.

    Have others played King of Swing? I tried the game but didn’t really “get it” and never bothered to give it a second shot. Is this release something we should be excited about?

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