Nintendo Releases Introductory Video for Wii Sports Club in Japan

Check out some more Japanese footage of the motion-controlled juggernaut.

By Kevin Knezevic. Posted 10/14/2013 13:30 1 Comment     ShareThis

Last month, Nintendo surprised fans by unveiling its first ever free-to-play game: Wii Sports Club, a high definition remake of the Wii launch title. To prepare for its impending release in Japan, the company has put together an introductory video that highlights some of Club’s new features, including MotionPlus support for greater accuracy and online play for up to four players. Take a look below.

Wii Sports Club will go on sale in the Wii U eShop on November 7. The game will be free to download, but players will have to pay $9.99 to fully unlock each sport. They can also choose to pay $1.99 to “rent” each sport individually for 24 hours.

Will you be downloading Wii Sports Club when it launches later this year, or have you already had enough of the game? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

Source: My Nintendo News

One Response to “Nintendo Releases Introductory Video for Wii Sports Club in Japan”

  • 1294 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Is it wrong that I’m totally stoked for this? I want clothing that says Wii Sports Club on it just to get people who are enrolled in exclusive, real sports clubs curious… and jealous.

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